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- Resolution: Unresolved
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Another day another problem with Source tree - I really wish you guys would stop updating it or add some automated testing for accounts with two factor..
Clearly its not being tested.
The only way to push the key properly - is to add it to the agent via the command line and push it using the terminal ( thats how I managed to get the key working - but defeats the purpose of using sourcetree)
Mac Sourcetree Ssh
I thought I would try again now that I have some time - and its still not working.
Use Sourcetree to clone your repository to your local system without using the command line. As you use Bitbucket more, you will probably work in multiple repositories. For that reason, it's a good idea to create a directory to contain all those repositories. So start by creating a. In case it helps others, my issue was that I had an invalid local user.signingkey set, which I didn't notice in my sourcetree configuration, nor my global settings (because I didn't think to look at local config) Ensure both local (git config -local -get user.signingkey) and global (git config -global -get user.signingkey) are the same, or even better, unset the local one if it is invalid.
Currently it appears that when you go through the process of generating a key - and signing in via Github - the key doesn't appear to be used when you push branches to Github.
Based on the SSH screen -
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Sourcetree Mac Not Working On Mac
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I have recently switched over from command line GIT to Atlassian Sourcetree because I like to see what is going on, makes things like branching and selective commits a whole lot nicer as well.
One issue I encountered was files set to be ignored in my .gitignore file were still showing up in the working copy when modified even though when looking via the command line, you see they’re being ignored.
The Issue
In my case the problem was I was trying to ignore files that were previously not ignored. I had some generated Javascript being compiled from Gulp.js that I was previously committing, I added my ignore directives AFTER the fact.
In the eys of Sourcetree, changes are still showing up and being commited because even though you’re now ignoring them, GIT and Sourcetree still think they’re important.
The Fix
Remarkably simple. You just need to right click on the file(s) you want to ignore and click, “Stop Tracking” this will stop the file being tracked, but keep it locally on your machine.
Just make sure you have all of the files you’re untracking added to your .gitignore file or you’ll still see them.