
© ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP/Getty Georgia Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler speaks during a rally with US President Donald Trump to support Republican Senate candidates at Valdosta Regional Airport in Valdosta, Georgia on December 5, 2020. Twitter users have compared Loeffler to Ann Coulter following her performance in the televised debate for the Georgia runoff.

Social media users have compared Republican senator Kelly Loeffler to Ann Coulter following her performance in the televised debate for the upcoming Georgia runoff.

14.8k Followers, 21 Following, 192 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Senator Kelly Loeffler (@senloeffler). WNBA players brought the race into the national spotlight by endorsing Raphael Warnock despite Sen. Loeffler's ownership of one of the league's teams. Kelly Loeffler — a Georgia Republican — faces Democrat Raphael Warnock in a runoff to fill a seat that will be decisive in determining which party controls the US Senate.


Senator Kelly Loeffler Twitter

There were several talking points as Loeffler came up against her Democrat challenger Raphael Warnock Windows best software. ahead of the January 5 vote, including the GOP candidate refusing three times to say that Donald Trump lost the election, or if she believes the election was rigged.

'It was very clear that there were issues in this election, there were 250 investigations open, including an investigation into one of my opponent's organizations for voter fraud. We have to make sure that Georgians trust this process for what's at stake in this election,' she said.

Runoff Elections Explained: How Georgia Will Determine Who Controls The Senate

However, on Twitter many people were instead focusing on Loeffler's physical appearance to Coulter, as well pointing out their apparent similar views.


Others also criticized Loeffler for her opinions brought up during the debate, including her criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as her apparent robotic performance when delivering answers to questions.

Coulter was previously a staunch supporter of Trump during his 2016 election campaign, but has since frequently criticized the president over his failure to act upon his promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

'Kelly Loeffler is Ann Coulter with even longer hair extensions and even shorter grasp of facts or honesty,' tweeted Mrs. Betty Bowers, a satirical comedic character played by Deven Green. 'Kelly Loeffler proves that Disney's animatronic technology still has a long way to go before it replicates humans with any verisimilitude.'

'Kelly Loeffler is like Ann Coulter under a mild anesthetic,' wrote writer J. Elvis Weinstein.

'Kelly Loeffler looks like Ann Coulter with fish eyes, and sounds like an automaton. Pull the string in her back and she repeats the same line over and over again with no emotions,' added Twitter user @ShawnLaighean.

Hma for mac. 'Main difference between Kelly Loeffler and Ann Coulter? Ann Coulter doesn't need to have her robot batteries charged overnight,' joked @scientificrealm.

Kelly Loeffler is, Mike Pence dressed up as Ann Coulter.

Kelly Loeffler Twitter

— Stop The Cra Cra (@StopCra) December 7, 2020

Sen Kelly Loeffler Twitter Generic

Kelly Loeffler is the 'Scratch & Dent' discounted version of Ann Coulter. pic.twitter.com/3NWeVhXLZZ

— Brian Anthony Bowen (@BrianAnthonyBo1) December 7, 2020

Has anyone actually seen Kelly Loeffler and Ann Coulter in the same room together? 😳 pic.twitter.com/eSvX982BJq

— Linda Childers (@lindarchilders) December 7, 2020

In btwn football, this GA debate is on. Whoa. 1. This in not Ann Coulter. 2. This is a robot lady not even from GA.

Turret download, software free. This is the single strangest performance of EVER. pic.twitter.com/1QdpubebrW

— Kathleen Madigan (@kathleenmadigan) December 7, 2020

Sen Kelly Loeffler Twitter

If you order Ann Coulter from Wish, they’ll send you Kelly Loeffler.

Kelly Loeffler Bio

— Gabino Iglesias (@Gabino_Iglesias) December 7, 2020

However, some of Leuffler's supporters dismissed the comparison with Coulter.

'The only diss angry libs can think of for @KLoeffler is that she reminds people of Ann Coulter. Meanwhile Raphael Warnock wants to tax Georgians into oblivion to pay for his socialist agenda,' wrote Maryland resident Suzzana Boyd.

'Yeah, I'll take having long blond hair over being a Stalin sympathizer any day.'


In a statement after the debate at the Atlanta Press Club JeridKurtz, the Campaign Manager for Warnock, said: 'Reverend Warnock won tonight's debate by focusing on the issues impacting the lives of Georgians while Senator Loeffler time and time and time again refused to acknowledge the results of the presidential election.

Kelly Loeffler Twitter

Kelly loeffler twitter feed

'It's just the latest example of Loeffler looking out for herself and her political interests before the people of Georgia.'

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